Congratulations to the Journal of Autoethnography which received the Best New Journal Award from the Council of Editors of Learned Journals (CELJ) at this past weekend’s annual meeting of the Modern Language Association. The CELJ is an organization of editors of scholarly journals in all disciplines.
The CELJ jury called the Journal of Autoethnography “an exciting and accessible publication” in conferring the award:
“We unanimously decided to offer the award to the Journal of Autoethnography. The jury agreed that it was a fantastic interjection into academic life by providing a venue with an intellectual frame of inquiry that is at once necessarily broad and yet effectively specific. The work presented in the journal cuts across disciplines, while retaining a focus on autoethnography as a method, allowing for multiple identities, traditions, abilities, and interventions from the large scale to the small scale, and from the public to the personal.”
Council of Editors of Learned Journals
The jury also commended the Journal for its sustainabiltiy, noting that it had 400 manuscript submissions to start and has already published multiple issues.
The Journal of Autoethnography (JoAE) is a refereed, international, and interdisciplinary journal devoted to the purposes, practices, and principles of autoethnography. JoAE publishes scholarship that foregrounds autoethnography as a method of inquiry; highlights themes and issues of past and contemporary autoethnographic research; discusses theoretical, ethical, and pedagogical issues in autoethnography; identifies future directions for autoethnography; and highlights innovative applications of autoethnography. JoAE also features reviews of books and media relevant to autoethnographic research and practice. JoAE is co-edited by Tony E. Adams (Bradley University) and Andrew F. Herrmann (East Tennessee State University).
We are pleased to make the current issue of JoAE free to read online for a limited time and invite you to join us in congratulating JoAE’s editorial team for this prestigious honor.