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University of California Press

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UC Press Foundation

As a separate 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, the UC Press Foundation raises funds to support UC Press and its vital role as an independent, progressive publisher. Donations from individuals and institutions—and readers like you— enable UC Press to publish nearly 200 new books and three-dozen multi-issue journals annually, maintain thousands of backlist titles in print, and offer the finest scholarship in digital formats.

Why Give?

Sales revenue and modest University of California subsidies cannot cover the operating expenses for UC Press. Donors like you are critical to our survival and continued success, providing the resources we need to embark on new initiatives and publish bold, forward-thinking works that inspire contemplation and action. Donors join a diverse community of Press enthusiasts, and enjoy membership benefits. To learn more about the Press's history and impact, please view this short video.

Ways to Give

Supporting the UC Press Foundation is easy, and all gifts are deductible as allowed by law.

Questions regarding donations or membership? Eager to trade book recommendations?

Please contact:
Amanda Todd
Director, UC Press Foundation


Cash Gifts

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Matching Gifts

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IRA Distributions

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Types of Gifts


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Endowment gifts permanently sustain UC Press publishing programs and offer the chance to create an enduring legacy in books.

UC Press Foundation Board of Trustees

  • Michelle Ciccarelli Lerach, Chair
  • Gary Kraut, Vice-Chair
  • Elizabeth Birka-White, Secretary
  • Judith Maxwell, Treasurer
  • Michael Barnard
  • Patricia Klaus
  • Marcy Krinsk
  • Susan Magee
  • George Thurlow