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Q&A with Joy H. Calico and Daniel K. L. Chua, series editors of “California Studies in Global Musicology”
We’re thrilled to announce our new California Studies in Global Musicology series, led by series editors Joy H. Calico and Daniel K. L. Chua! In this interview, Calico and Chua introduce the series, describe the types of projects they’re looking for, and provide advice for scholars hoping to submit to the series.

Q&A with Allen James Fromherz, author of "The Center of the World"
For over 4000 years, the Gulf—sometimes called the Persian Gulf—has been a global crossroads while managing to avoid control by the world’s greatest empires. Allen Fromherz explains why.

Global Perspectives Welcomes New Editors-in-Chief Hagen Schulz-Forberg and J.P. Singh
As the new co-editors for Global Perspectives, Schulz-Forberg and Singh “are honored to lead the journal into the next phase, and humbled to take the charge forward from Helmut Anheier… Rather than change the course for the journal, we will seek to deepen the impact the journal continues to make in academic publishing.”