We’ve removed the paywall from Asian Survey‘s annual year-in-review issue which looks back at the biggest stories concerning Asia in 2020, a year during which the COVID-19 pandemic and a trade dispute between the United States and China dominated the headlines. As the world continues to grapple with the ongoing global pandemic and representatives from China and the Biden administration conclude a contentious meeting in Alaska, Asian Survey‘s “Asia in 2020” issue provides invaluable perspective and important scholarly analysis of the recent history that led to this moment. As the 2021 conferences for the Association for Asian Studies (AAS) and the International Studies Association (ISA) convene virtually over the next few weeks, we invite you to read the full issue—typically one of the journal’s most popular issues of the year—for free online.
Asia in 2020
Asian Survey, Volume 61, Issue 1, January/February 2021
Table of Contents
Asia in 2020: The COVID-19 Pandemic and the US-China Trade War
Northeast Asia
The United States and Asia in 2020: Free, Open, and Worried?
Terence Roehrig
China in 2020: A Year of Converging Crises
Min Ye
Hong Kong in 2020: National Security Law and Truncated Autonomy
Sonny Lo
Mongolia in 2020: Less COVID, Lots of Problems
Morris Rossabi
Japan in 2020: COVID-19 and the End of the Abe Era
Adam P. Liff
South Korea in 2020: Successful Response to the Coronavirus Crisis; No Progress in Denuclearization of North Korea
Sung Deuk Hahm
North Korea in 2020: In Search of Health and Power
John Delury
Taiwan in 2020: Beyond the Pandemic
Ching-hsin Yu
Southeast Asia
Vietnam in 2020: Controlling COVID and Dissent
Paul Schuler
Malaysia in 2020: Fragile Coalitional Politics and Democratic Regression
Azmil Tayeb
Indonesia in 2020: Pestilence and Incompetence
Michael Buehler
Thailand in 2020: Politics, Protests, and a Pandemic
James Ockey
Cambodia in 2020: Preventing a Color Revolution
John D. Ciorciari
The Philippines in 2020: COVID-19 Pandemic Threatens Duterte’s Populist Legacy
Julio C. Teehankee
Myanmar in 2020: Citizens Have Voted for the Democratic Transition to Continue, but Democracy Remains Far Ahead
Marie-Eve Reny
Laos in 2020: Reaping a Harvest of Unity and Debt
Holly High
Singapore in 2020: COVID-19 General Election and Advent of a One-and-a-Half Party System?
Lam Peng Er
Timor-Leste in 2020: Counting the Costs of Coronavirus
Geoffrey C. Gunn
Papua New Guinea in 2020: China Rising and Bougainville Independence
James Chin
Brunei in 2020: Durable Social Compact in a Turbulent Year
Mustafa Izzuddin
South Asia
India in 2020: A Year of Multiple Challenges
Eswaran Sridharan
Pakistan in 2020: The Opposition Fights Back
Sahar Shafqat
Bangladesh in 2020: Debating Social Distancing, Digital Money, and Climate Change Migration
Annu Jalais
Nepal in 2020: External Tensions and Internal Challenges
Kristine Eck
Bhutan in 2020: Controlling the Pandemic
Richard W. Whitecross
Sri Lanka in 2020: Return to Rajapaksa Regnum
Nira Wickramasinghe
This post is part of our blog series for AAS2021 and ISA2021.