78 Results
Visions of Global Environmental Justice: Comunidades Negras and the War on Drugs in Colombia
by Alexander Huezo (Author)Feb 2025Open AccessClass Meets Land: The Embodied History of Land Financialization
by Maria Kaika (Author), Luca Ruggiero (Author)Dec 2024The Right to Suburbia: Combating Gentrification on the Urban Edge
by Willow S Lung-Amam (Author)Sep 2024- Open Access
The Power of Chinatown: Searching for Spatial Justice in Los Angeles
by Laureen D. Hom (Author)Jun 2024The Map in the Machine: Charting the Spatial Architecture of Digital Capitalism
by Luis F. Alvarez Leon (Author)Apr 2024Zanzibar Was a Country: Exile and Citizenship between East Africa and the Gulf
by Nathaniel Mathews (Author)Apr 2024Unhomed: Cycles of Mobility and Placelessness in American Cinema
by Pamela Robertson Wojcik (Author)Apr 2024Climate Anxiety and the Kid Question: Deciding Whether to Have Children in an Uncertain Future
by Jade Sasser (Author)Apr 2024- Open Access
A People's History of SFO: The Making of the Bay Area and an Airport
by Eric Porter (Author)Mar 2024Forests of Refuge: Decolonizing Environmental Governance in the Amazonian Guiana Shield
by Yolanda Ariadne Collins (Author)Mar 2024Muddy Thinking in the Mississippi River Delta: A Call for Reclamation
by Ned Randolph (Author)Feb 2024Open AccessA Place at the Nayarit: How a Mexican Restaurant Nourished a Community
by Natalia Molina (Author)Feb 2024Fester: Carceral Permeability and California's COVID-19 Correctional Disaster
by Hadar Aviram (Author), Chad Goerzen (Author)Feb 2024- Open Access
Innovation for the Masses: How to Share the Benefits of the High-Tech Economy
by Neil Lee (Author)Jan 2024Ground Truths: Community-Engaged Research for Environmental Justice
by Chad Raphael (Editor), Martha Matsuoka (Editor)Jan 2024Open AccessThe Accidental Ecosystem: People and Wildlife in American Cities
by Peter S. Alagona (Author)Jan 2024