Autobiography of Mark Twain cover imageSelf-reinventor. Master of self-aggrandizement. The first blogger. An enigma shrouded in a white suit. These are just a few of the labels that have been applied to Mark Twain since UC Press announced it would publish his uncensored Autobiography 100 years after his death.

In celebration of this important milestone and in honor of our cherished tradition of publishing Mark Twain’s works, UC Press is proud to announce the release of the Autobiography of Mark Twain: The Complete and Authoritative Edition, Volume 1.

Setting aside the question of whether he was a blogger or not, we think you’ll find Mark Twain’s voice surprisingly current, brimming with humor, ideas, and opinions on topics ranging from billionaires to cab drivers. You may find, as The New York Times did, that “Twain will begin to seem strange again, alluring and still astonishing, but less sure-footed, and at times both puzzled and puzzling in ways that still resonate with us, though not the ways we might expect.”

This is Mark TwainView materials only available at the Mark Twain Project archive at

Read an excerpt in Newsweek.

See pages from the Autobiography with glosses by general editor Robert Hirst at Granta.

Buy tickets to Litquake’s Mark Twain Ball November 4.
